Guba-Khachmaz economic - geographical region print

Guba - Khachmaz region occupies 8% o f the counand is silualed in the Northern - East o f Great Caucasus. Daghestan Autonomous Republic of Russian Federation in the North - West, Great Caucasus ridge in South - West. Caspian Sea in the East are borders o f the region. Siyazan, Shabran, Khachmaz, Guba and G usar regions wcre includcd to the territory.

Due to the fact that main part of the territory is covered by mountains, the flora and fauna o f the area is picluresque. As the region is surrounded by Babadagh and Slıahdagh il creatcs mild climate and favorable conditions for rich flora and fauna. The relict of the region consists o f mountains in the south and western parts (North Eastem slopcs o f Great Caucasus) and piains in the North and East (Gusar inclincd plain, Samur - Davachi lowland). The sea coast areas arc down to 28 m below sea level. Thc maximum heighl is 4466m (Bazarduzu Mountain). Thc sedimcnts o f Jurassic, Cretaceous, Paleogen, Neocenc and Anthropogenic sediments are spread in the arca. The territory abounds with mineral waters and other natural geographical monuments (Gaiaalti mineral water, Beshbamıagh mountain, karsl caves etc.).

Rivers : Gusarchay, Gudialchay, Garachay, Valvala, Gilgilchay, Shabran, Davachi, Takhtachay, Garadahna and etc. The length o f 2 rivers Gusarchay (106 km) and Gudialchay (101 km) arc more than 100 km, The iar^-cst iake o f the region is Aghziblrchala L^ke with sweet water is ncar asplan Sea Coast covering the arca of 1.5 km^

Land cover: The typical soil ofthearea is: alluvial meadow, gray brown, brown, mountain brown, brown and brown mountain forest, mountain meadow and half types o f thc soil.

Plant cover: Subalpine a n d alpine meadows of high mountains have been used as summer pastures though meadows of foothills and plains have been used as winter pastures. Despite the fact that mountain forests cover large space, lowland forests have spread on the shore of the Caspian Sea, in the Northern part of the area. In total the forests of the area cover about 131,654 hectares; additionally the area s covered with forests are 119,571 hectars.

Climate: The climate o f the territory is warm temperate with dry summers and dry desert in plains and upland tundra type in high mouniains. Th e annual amount of solar luster is 2200 - 2400 hours. According to the average temperature of the coldest month, winters of the area pass m ild (0; - 5C ), m uch m ilder (2.5 - 0® C ) a n d th c m ildest (5 - 2.5*^^). F e asib le e v a p o ra tio n for w arm p e rio d s (A p ril - O c to b c r) is around 2 00 - 6 00 m m . T h e n u m b e r o f arid d a y s is ra n g in g b e tw c c n 0.5 “ 5 days b etw een J u n e a n d S ep temb e r and th e m id d le annual rate o f thc w in d c h a n g e s aro u n d 2 m /second an d iess. C o n tin en tal c lim a tc is around w cak , m o d e ra te co n tin en tal and m id d le co n tin en tal ran g es. T he length o f n o n fro st p eriod d u rin g thc year is 100 - 2 50 d a y s o r m o re, but ihe am o u n t o f d a y s w ith lem -p e ra tu rc b clo w 0 ” C is 10 - 100 d a y s in S iy azan - S h ab ran , 10 - 50 d a y s in K hacm az, 10 - 100 d a y s in Gu b a an d 50 - 150 days a n d m o re in G usar. T hc days w ith sn o w c o v e r fluctuates betwecn 10 - 160 days: 1 0 - 8 0 d a y s an d less in S iy azan , 10 - 80 d a y s in S h ab ran , 10 - 20 days in K h ach m az, 20 - 1 6 0 d a y s in G u b a a n d G usar. T h c arca ow n s h ig h -re so rt recreation potential (c lim a tc se asid e resorts, thcrap eu tics rcso rts, clim atic coastal recreatio n an d treatm ent).