Shaki-Zagatala economic-geographical region print

Sheki - Zagatala economic - geographical region borders wlth Dagcstan Rcpublic in the North, with thc Rcpublic o f Georgia (M azim River) in the West, with Girdiman valley in the East and wiıh Ganikh-Ayrichay in the South. According lo natural conditions ıhe leıritory is dividcd to 3 parts: the Southcm slope o f Grcai Caucasus, Ganikh - Haftaran valley and M iddle Kur highland (Ajinohur and Turud - Sarija plain, the mountainous part o f I Shcki). Gabala, Oghuz. H Shcki, Gakh, Zagatala H and  alakan are con-H cenıing as administrative H rcgions o f this tcrriiory. H Thc minimum altitude o f ıhe arca is 100 m and thc
maximum heighı is 4466 m on the M ountain Ba^'ardyuzu. Mountain Bazardyuzu is not only concem ing to be thc highest peak o f Azerbaijan and Sheki - Zagatala cconomic-gcographical rcgion, as well as thc southem point o f ıhe Russian Federation and the highest pcak o f thc Autonomous Republic o f Dagcsian.

Climate: Annual am ount o f solar iuster is 2200 - 2400 hours. According to ıhe middle lempcrature. o f thc coldesı monih, thc wintcrs in thc arca pass mild (0; -5° C)» much m ilder (2.5 - 0° C) and the mildcst (5 - 2.5° C), Feasiblc evaporation for w ann pcriods (April - October) is around 400 - 1000 mms. The number o f arid days is ranging bcıwcen 5 - 25 days bctwecn Junc and September months and the middle annual ratc of the wind changes around 2 m/ second and less. Conlincnıal climate changes around wcak. modcrate contincntal and middic contincntal lypcs. The lcnglh o f nonfrosl period during the year is 150 - 250 days or more, but the amount of days with temperature below 0° C is 20 - 150 days. Thc days with snow coverfluctuaies between 20 - 120 days. 500 - 700 m above sea level the climate is subtropica^ while highcr it is mild, cool and cold clim atcs are becoming superior. Region holds sccond place afier Lankaran - Astara zonc for the scope o f rainfalls. The most arid and humid areas o f the territory consecutively are Ajinohur (300 - 350 mm) as well as medium and high mountain areas.

Rivers and Lakes: The most tumultuous and strcamed rivcrs o f the region are following: Kish (33 km long), Shin (39 km), Balakanchay (39 km), Katekh (54 km), Damiraparan (69 km), Mazim (30 km), Mukhakh (56 km), Ganikh (413 km), Ayrichav (46 km), Alijan (98 knı), Turian (180 km) and etc. The region is surroıınded witlı a very rich dcposits ofthcrmal and mineral waters such as Oghlanbulag, Gizbuiag, Hamambulag, Budusshor, Aghbulag and Khalkhal. Nohurgol (Gabala) and Ajinohur (Gakh) arc the main lakes o f the rcglon.

Landcover and biodiversity: Thc iandscapes widely sprcad in this region are mountain-meadow, mountain and foresl - mcadow, brown - mountain forcst, mountain, forest, meadow brown, gray - brown mountain, chestnut mountain, chestnut, brown, meadow, foresl and mcadow soils. Thc arca owns extraord i nary landscape. Comparcd to other regions forcsts covcr considcrable parl o f the arca. Aldcr (A hus sp.). wing nut (PtenKarya pterocarpa), hybrid poplar (Popuhis hyhriäa), long-stem oak (Quercus longipes) are particular spccics availablc in plain areas o f low-Iying forests. There are juniper (Juniperus sp.), Turkish terebinth (Pistacia sp.) and Iberian oak (Quercus iberica) forests in stcppe placcu areas. The dominant flora o f the down mountain forcst zone {1000 - nOO m) o f thc rcgion are ibcria oak (Q. iberica) and eastem hombeam (Carpin us orien talis). Morcover, middlc mountain forest zone mainly consists o f bccch (Fagus sp.) forests. The fauna o f thc rcgion is characıerizcd by ihc mammals like brownbear (Ursus a/vtors), woİf (Canis lupus), hedgehog (Erinaceus concolor) and ctc. Thc uppcr mountain zone consists o f East oak (Q. macranthera)y trdutvettcr birch (Acer trautvetteri) and birch (Beiulla sp.) forcsts. The faunc pattems o f uppcr mountain forcst zone arc prcscnted by wiid boar (Sus scrqfa). nobie dcer (Cervis elaphus) and Europeao roc (Capreo/us capıvolus). Subalpine zonc (2000 - 2600 m) consists o f subalpinc-meadows- The primc fauna demonsirates onc year plants as Caucasian birdpcar (SorhtLs caucasigena)^ giant scabious (Cepha/aria sp,), daphnc (Daphne glomerata}. rhododendron (Rhododendron .^p.), Oricntal trunk' flower (Rhynchocorys orientaiisS), cow-parsnip (Heradeum sp.). mountain onagra (Epilohium montanum) orchis (Orchis .^p.) and spottcd dead-nc(tlc (Lamium tomentosum).