Absheron economic-geographical region print

The area surrounds Absheron pcninsula, the East areas of Gobustan and South - East territory of Samur-Davachi lowland as well as Baku and Absheron archipelagos. Absheron, Khizi, Baku and Sumgait arc includcd to thcsc arcas. Thc rclicf o f the territory mainly consists o f highlands and hilly plains. Sea coast areas o f thc tcrritory arc below thc sea İcvcl by nearly 28 mcıcrs, Thc maximum height o f thc tcrritory iocatcd on thc North - West sidc is called Dubrar Mounlain (2205 m). Dubrar is thc part o f the Caucasus M ountain rangc and was formcd by thc ncscom clayey and limcstonc o f Crciaccous, mcrgel and conglomcralcs. Atachay siarts from Dubrar with nıountain-grassiand relict Thc clim atc is principaİİy mild warm and dry subtropical. Thc annual am ount o f sun lustcr is 2200 “ 2400 Itours. According to thc avcragc tcmpcrature o f thc coldcst momh. thc scvcrc wimcr occurring on thc area is usually mild (0: -5 C), much milder (2.5 • 0®C) and the  mildcst (5 - 2.5®C). Thls arca differs in lowcst rainfall (200 - 400 mm) level, bui it thc most windy arca o f counlry as wcll. Feasiblc cvapora* tion for warm periods (April * Oclobcr) is around 1000 mm. In June - Scptcmbcr months thc numbcr o f arid days is ranging bctwccn 5 • 25 days. Thc averagc annual ratc o f the wind is fixcd around 4 - 6 m/sccond and nıore. Thc ciimaic hcrc changes bciwecn modcraıe continental and middle contincntal. Thc lcngth o f non-frosly pcriod during ihc ycar compriscs 250 days o r morc. but the amounı o f days with tempcraturc bclow 0®C is 1 0 - 2 0 in Abshcron. • 100 in Khizi, 10 - 20 or less in Baku and 1 0 - 2 0 in Sumgait, Dcspitc the fact thai thc number o f snowy days in Khizi rcachcs 1 0 - 2 0 days. Abshcron, Qaku and Sumgait dcmon* straıc 10 or even lcss days.

Rivers and lakes. Sumgaitchay, Jcirankcchmaz, Tughchay and othcrs arc thc main rivcrs o f thc tcrritory. The area dcmonsirates very rich landscapc diversity. ThuSv there are landscapes such as semi-descn, dry-steppe and mountain-meadow landscapcs within the territory. Samur - Absheron and thc pari o f (hc Absheron watcr channcls, Jciranbatan watcr rcservolr and Mir7.aladi salt lakes arc located In this area. Absheron has thc great resort-recreation potential.

Soil and biodiversity. The climates for the main parts o f the area are dry summers wiıh dry stcppc and tcmpcrate scmi-dcscrt acccptable for semi-descrt wormw'ood and wormwood-sallnc, salinc*cphemcral plant lypes. The main plant divcrsity o f arca is covcrcd by wormwood* cphcmcra I, wo rm wood-gcnc i zl i. w onn wood«sa I i nc, worm woodgrain and different wormwood-grain plam formations. Less precipitation falling during the pcriod o f vegetation. accumulation o f soil humus laycr and the surfacc tcmpcraturc risc in thc atmosphcrc and amount o f cvaporaıcd moisturc sufficicmly more than rainfall arc reasons for poor vegctation, less o fflo ra (8 .l - 12.5 c/ha) and poor soil organic and mincral nutricnts in thc cnvironmcnt. Moreovcr, in thc tcrritories o f Baku Qulaghi, Keklikhdagh. Otmanbozdagh, Boyukdagh and Kichikdagh thcrc arc diffcrcnt types o f trces and bushcs such as pontcgranatc (Punica granatum), hackberry (Cehis glabraia). fig (Fiats carica). juniper prickiy (Juniperus oxycecints). Eastcm junipcr (Juniperus polycarpos), wild chcny (Cerasus micıvcarpa). Pallas buckıhom (Rha/twus paİlasli). rock cotoncastcr (Cotoneasier saxaliHs)s dog rosc (Rosa CQnina). jasminc (Jusmimm iranscaucasica) and tamarix ÇTamarlx m e y e n i).T h paiıcm s show s that ıhcrc w crc arid fbrests in thesc areas. Rare pattem s o f H an g in g B o x to m (L y d u m
depressum ) w erc reınaincd in the centrai arcas o f thc tciTiiory. Russian B oxtorn (L y d u m rufhenicum j and tam arixs w crc spreadcd at thc coasl o f Sum gaitchay,in thc n o n h pari o f thc tcrrilory. Tlıcrc arc nıountain m cadow s an d forcsts in ıhe norlhw esi part o f rcgion. S om c 9931 ha o f the area is covcrcd w iıh forcsts (5.8 J% ). East pcanut (F agus orien(alis) and oak-hornbeam forests in Khi^i rcgion arc m ainly sprcad in (hc basins o f A lachay and Tughchay, also starting from thc low cr parl o f thc villagc o f A hiagac up to north slopc o f M ounlain Taraput. Som c pcculiar trccs o f thc arca arc W iliow - lcafcd Pcar (Pyrus salicifoİHi) and haw thom (C ralaegus p en fa g yn a , C. orien(aİıs) spread cithcr scparatcly o r in groups along thc icrritory. T hc avcragc annual tcm pcralurc in thc arca is up to 13.6'* C , relativc huınidity is 73% and thc cvaporation rcaches to 2064 mm. M orcovcr, in sum m cr pcriod rainfalls is bccom ing abatcd (16 m m ) but cvaporation is rising (467.0 mm).